This field is on the Egin Bench in Eastern Idaho.

The photos were taken June 11th and provided by grower. On the morning of June 9th, the temperature in this field got down to about 27 degrees for about 4 hours. The field consists of a 110 acre full pivot and a 50 acre wiper. The farmer makes 3, approximately 50 acre fields. There is Norkotahs planted on the West 3rd and the East 3rd, with wheat planted on the middle 3rd. The seed is from the exact same lot. It took the farmer a total of 2 1/2 days to plant the approximately 100 acres, beginning to end. Potatoes were planted the 1st week of May.

The east 50 acres received 1 quart p/ac of OII-YS in furrow at markout. To see this field in person, the difference is remarkable. The plants on the treated side are nearly double in size, with only very light frost damage visible, while the check side shows substantial frost damage, and much slower growth.

Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes Untreated Field
Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes Untreated Field
Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes Untreated Field

These photos are from the grower’s standard side.

Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes OII-YS Treated Field
Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes OII-YS Treated Field
Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes OII-YS Treated Field

This side received 1 quart per acre of OII-YS, in furrow, at markout.

Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes Comparison Of Plants
Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes Comparison Of Plants
Organisan Eastern Idaho Potatoes Comparison Of Plants

The plants chosen to be dug up were an average from both sides. Neither of them were the biggest or the smallest of their respectable plots, The plant from the OII-YS side is bigger because ALL the plants on that side are bigger, but it is still an average from the treated portion of the field.

Organisan’s chitosan-based product, OII-YS, and the results on potatoes in Eastern Idaho.